Discover the strength of your Twitter account while facing a cyberstalker.

The unstoppable enormous amount of defamation, calumnious denunciations, call for violences, etc. a psychopathic rabid cyberstalker is able to produce on social media creates numerous damages in the life of any targeted regular citizen. However, volume, repeated propaganda and perversion are not the only keys of success on Twitter. Don't give up. If you focus on quality and relevance, you may have some fundamental strengths which could make your position more comfortable than you believe. This is what shows the comparison between the account of a victim and the one of his tormentor, the famous Pakistani radicalized cyberstalker, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmla Aalam.
The unstoppable enormous amount of defamation, calumnious denunciations and call for violences a psychopathic rabid cyberstalker is able to produce on social media creates numerous damages in the life of any targeted regular citizen. However, volume, repeated propaganda and perversion are not the only keys of success on Twitter. Don’t give up! If you focus on quality and relevance, you may have some fundamental strengths which could make your position more comfortable than you believe.

This is what shows the comparison between the account of a victim and the one of his tormentor, the famous Pakistani radicalized cyberstalker, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmla Aalam.

Preliminary notice, please Note:
According to civilized and non-discriminating standards, mentioning the gender, the skin color and the religion is politically incorrect. However, emphasizing her “brown skin”, referring to colonialism, invoking a so-called anti-patriarchy activism and expressing her anti-Western or anti-White hatred is the back bone of Ms Ramla Akhtar’s (the stalker) discourse. It should be understood for analyzing her Twitter confused activity.

Target and cyber tormentor accounts, general presentation.

Left: Bernard Grua, the target: 1,394 tweets posted, following 143 accounts, 110 followers | Right: Ramla Akhtar the stalker 9,932 tweets posted, following 595 accounts, 150 followers

Bernard Grua, @BernardGrua, a white, Christian, French man, is the main target of Ramla Akhtar’s criminal behavior on Twitter. He received 1,438 attacks from Ms Ramla Akhtar between September 18, 2019 and August 24, 2020.

Ramla Akhtar, Next by Ramla, Stalking
Bernard Grua, @BernardGrua, the main target since September 18, 2019

Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, is the famous Karachi female, brown-skin (her words), Sunni (questionable) cyberstalker of Upper Hunza Valley, Pakistan – Tweeting under the anonymous accounts @GruaAbuseArkive &, sometimes, @CopingWithCovid.

Ramla Akhtar the famous Karachi cyberstalker of Hunza Valley, Pakistan.
Tweeting under anonymous account @GruaAbuseArkive
Ramla Akhtar, the famous Karachi cyberstalker from Karachi self-imported in Upper Hunza Valley, Pakistan | Calling for violence against the local religious and ethnic mountain minority | Preaching radicalism & xenophobia against foreigners

Preliminary higlights on stalker’s purpose and method while posting on Twitter

The own production of the stalker is just a small part of her posts.

76% of the stalker’s posts are retweets and replies. Retweets are intended to attract audience on trendy emotional issues and/or to gain attention of influencers (strong Twitter accounts) as Ms Ramla Akhtar’s explained in her presentation: “Wake up on social media” §9 & §10. Except for some stalking or ranting threads, replies follow the same “principle”.

Between September 18, 2019 and August 24, 2020, the stalker made 9,435 posts on her two accounts (see Exhibit E1.). Only 2,264 posts were original tweets (24%x9,435). This is to compare with the 1,438 tweets (see above) made against her main target Bernard Grua.

MOST of the stalker OWN production is turned against one single victim.

Let’s see if such a “method” makes a strong Twitter account.

When a stalker offers a unique opportunity to analyse her confidential Twitter data.

One tweet from the flood dumped by the stalker

We already analysed the Twitter variation figures presented by Ms Ramla Akhtar. We observed that the mechanical effet of her recent production surge (+266%) on Twitter were far below what an average Twitter account could expect. See the following article.

Evidencing the weakness of a long-term cyberstalker’s campaign, while mirroring it into the account of the resistance.

Twitter analytics for the victim and the tormentor accounts on a 28-days period.

Comparing Twitter produced indicators for a 28-days period

Relevant computed comparative ratios

Bernard Grua versus Ramla Akhtar’s Twitter figures and ratios
Comparative indicators, over a recent 28 days period, are all unfavorable to the stalker.

a) On a 28-days period the target produced 45 tweets. This is just 3.6% of the number of tweets produced by his tormentor. Although the tweet impressions (tweet viewed) of the victim is 10% of the tormentor’s one. This indicates a better productivity and a more attracting content from the victim.

b) Each tweet of the victim reached an average amount of 367 viewers. This ratio is almost three times better than the 129 viewers, per tweet, for the stalker.

c) Each victim’s tweet leads to 13 profile visits. This is almost seven times better than the 2 profile visits per tweet for the stalker.

d) Each tweet of the victim leads to 2.4 mentions (i.e. writing @BernardGrua in a Tweet). This is 22 times better than the 0.11 mention per tweet for the stalker. It is probably the most interesting data.

From The 109 mentions of the victim, 75 mentions are done by the stalker!

It is a key contribution from the stalker. See below:

Quantity of tweets with mentions produced by the stalker against her target over the last 28 days

Mentions are important for Twitter and for Google search. They are links! This might explain the good performance of the victim’s Twitter account on this media but also on Google search results.

The massive harassment and mentions from the stalker makes the victim’s account stronger for Twitter and Google .

Such a mistake is not understandable from someone who pretended offering social media services via her consultancy firm, “NEXT> by Ramla”. See: Analysis of « Wake Up on Social Media by Ramla Akhtar »

The cumulated data confirm the fact that the stalker’s Twitter account is unsuccessful.

f) The Twitter 110 followers represent 8%, for the victim, from his 1,394 total tweets. It is a ratio 5 times better than the stalker’s one who only get 1.5% of them. Having just 150 followers for a production of 9,932 tweets shows how uninteresting her Twitter account is for an audience, for social media and for search engines.

g) For the victim, the number of 143 followed accounts represents 1.3 times the number of his followers (110). It is three times better than the 4 accounts the stalker has to follow to secure one follower (595 followed accounts for 140 followers).

The ultimate figure proving the stalker’s Twitter account is just full of pestiferous garbage.

Twitter engagement is when someone interacts with the content, including: favoriting a tweet, retweeting a tweet, responding to a tweet, mentioning someone in a separate tweet, clicking on a link. The engagement rate is going to tell how relevant a content is for an audience.

The tormentor produces five times more tweets than her target. However, only 20% of her tweets lead to an interaction.The stalker only got 680 interactions for her last 3,200 tweets. This is much less than the 1,700 interactions her target reached with only 1,397 tweets.

The victim’s Twitter account is six times stronger than the stalker’s one.

Here, we have the ultimate proof that the stalker’s Twitter account is a junk one, full of garbage. While the stalker spends days an night bullying and ranting on Twitter (See E.2) for no results, victims can, with fewer efforts, organise a quality counter-propaganda on Twitter and trash their tormentor on other media to speed up the numerical suicide of her reputation. See the article:

How stressful could be the unsurpassable volume of assaulting tweets made public against a victim, the Twitter account of Ms Akhtar, despite her venomous plethoric production shows how a stalker can be isolated. A massive dumping on social media does not evidence an influencer, nor a leader of harassments in pack, nor a “change maker.” It might just highlight a derelict profile of a desocialized psychopath who unsuccessfully tries to surf the waves of trendy emotions and hatreds such as the ones of QAnon, of conspiracy theorists, of radical propagandists or of apocalypse and pogroms preachers. Being so, the stalker gives material to the victim for devastating #sanctions and #reciprocity measures, expelling, even more, his tormentor from the global Web.

Update, November 2020

Three months after this diagnostic, the stalker has not been able to correct her appproach. On the opposite, her account became even less attractive while victim improved his poistion.

STALKER: Compared to August the percentage of twets favorited improved from 71.6% to 87.9%. However her engagement (click and answer) reduced by (489-680)/680= – (191/680)= – 28%. This shows an even less attractive account. Let’s remind that only 489 tweets of 3,200 tweets produce engagement
VICTIM: Only 2,018 tweets produced an engagement of 2,300. Compare with the 489 engagements of the stalker for 3,200 tweets. This would mean 308 engagements for 2300 stalker tweets (victim complete volume of tweets). Each victims tweet produces an engagement 10 times bigger than a stalker tweet. Moreover, each victim’s tweet is favorited 1.6 times versus 0.9 times for the stalker

Discover more interesting facts and updates in a new article.

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The unstoppable enormous amount of defamation, calumnious denunciations, call for violences, etc. a psychopathic rabid cyberstalker is able to produce on social media creates numerous damages in the life of any targeted regular citizen. However, volume, repeated propaganda and perversion are not the only keys of success on Twitter. Don't give up. If you focus on quality and relevance, you may have some fundamental strengths which could make your position more comfortable than you believe. This is what shows the comparison between the account of a victim and the one of his tormentor, the famous Pakistani radicalized cyberstalker, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmla Aalam.


E1. Stalker’s activity on Twitter since she shifted to bullying.

E.2. Main stalker account, @GruaAbuseArkive, analytics for the last 3,179 tweets as of 2020/08/28

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Published by Stop Cyberstalkers

No to Hate-Speech, abuses & violences - Website administrator

10 thoughts on “Discover the strength of your Twitter account while facing a cyberstalker.

  1. Oh my goodness! This post is gold, Bernard! As a survivor of bullying and cyberbullying myself! I never thought of it like this! You just inspired me! I would love to reblog this on my anti-bullying blog, Chateau Cherie! I like it would encourage so many other victims and survivors! Congratulations for busting your stalker! I’m laughing so hard right now!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve scheduled the reblog for October 1. October is National Bullying Awareness Month in the USA. Again, thank you for your post! I have no doubt that it will give hope (and the last laugh) to cyber-stalking victims everywhere!

    Liked by 1 person

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