Cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar: submission of a complaint to the High Court Public Prosecutor, Nantes, November, 21, 2019

Today, November 21, 2019, a complaint to the Public Prosecutor was registered at Loire-Atlantique high court (Tribunal de Grande Instance) against the cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, who sent 296 tweets against @bernardgrua in two months under her account @barefootRamster (recently changed to @barefoot_rmala). The accusations are harassment, defamation and calumnious delation. A complaint was also registered against Twitter .
Today, November 21, 2019, a complaint to the Public Prosecutor was registered at Loire-Atlantique high court (Tribunal de Grande Instance) against the cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, who sent 296 tweets against @bernardgrua in two months under her account @barefootRamster (recently changed to @barefoot_rmala). The accusations are harassment, defamation and calumnious denunciation. A complaint was also registered against Twitter .

Please note: this article was initially published on Stop-Troll on November 21, 2019. @BarefootRamster wnet thru different names. On July 13, 2020, it is, @GruaAbuseArkive. Akhtar second Twitter account is @CopingWithCovid. As of July 13, 2020, the number of stalking tweets against Bernard Grua reached 1,284 units (see attachment).

The accusation letter, with all the 296 tweets and with Twitter reports aknowledging Ramla Akhtar hate conduct against Bernard Grua are filed, now, at the High Court.

Translation of the complaint letter registered at High Court (tribunal de Grande Instance)

Bernard Grua
44100 Nantes
06 ** ** ** 60

Monsieur le Procureur de la République
Tribunal de Grande Instance
Palais de Justice 19,
quai François-Mitterrand
44000 Nantes

Re: Complaint filing Nantes, November 21, 2019

Mister Prosecutor

I, here-below undersigning, Bernard Grua, born August 12, 1962, inventory professionnal residing in Nantes, have the honor to file a complaint in your hands against Mrs. Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam, for harassment (article 222-33-2-2 of Criminal Code), public defamation (law of July 29, 1881) and slanderous denunciation (article 226-10 of the Criminal Code), through 296 tweets issued against myself between September 18 and November 19, 2019. For the same reasons, I have the honor to file a complaint against the Twitter Company to whom I sent regular and detailed reports. Indeed, Twitter has recognized the fact that this user violates its principles of use and shows hateful behavior towards me, without making the decision to put an end to this malice by closing the account and removing the tweets.

Mrs. Ramla Akhtar lives in Hussaini (Gulmit), Hunza Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, where she runs a local products shop under the name of “BetterBonds”. Her main accounts, groups and pages on Twitter or Facebook, which have been identified so far, are: (renamed on 11/20/2019 into Update 2020/07/13: @GruaAbuseArkive Update 2020/07/13: @CopingWithCOVID 

As of November, 19, 2019, on Twitter, the main authorities to which Mrs Aktar’s slanderous delations were addressed (in parenthesis, number of occurrences) are: NantesMetropole (39), Johanna_Rolland (25), NationalPolice (12), Interpol (12), FranceInPak ​​(11) ), PoliceNat44 (10).
On Wednesday, November 20, the Nantes central police station was visited to emphasize the fact its Twitter account, « PoliceNat44 », was an addressee of numerous slanderous delation tweets.

In such circumstances, I would be grateful if you could record my two complaints, against Mrs. Ramla Akhtar and against the Twitter Company, in order to give this case its legal effect and to assert my rights.

Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the expression of my respectful greetings.
Bernard Grua

Attachments: Defamation, harassment and slanderous delation tweets, Twitter reports, Bernard Grua’s passport.

Notes : Johanna Rolland* is Nantes Mayor. « FranceInPak » is the twitter account of the French embassy in Islamabad. « PoliceNat44 » is the twitter account of Loire-Atlantique police which headquarters are in Nantes.

Twitter’s reports about cyberstalker Ramla Aktar transmitted to Hight Court

Complete detailed 296 tweets from cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, transmitted to High Court

Ramla Akhtar’s bullying tweets communicated to the Public Prosecutor with the complaint

New report sent to Twitter on November 21, 2019

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

Today I filed a complaint in the High Court against cyberstalker @barefoot_rmala (Ramla Akhtar) and against Twitter which enables her bullying.

To the Public Prosecutor, Nantes (France) High Court

« I, here-below undersigning, Bernard Grua, born August 12, 1962, inventory professionnal residing in Nantes, have the honor to file a complaint in your hands against Mrs. Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam, for harassment (article 222-33-2-2 of Criminal Code), public defamation (law of July 29, 1881) and slanderous denunciation (article 226-10 of the Criminal Code), through 296 tweets issued against myself between September 18 and November 19, 2019. For the same reasons, I have the honor to file a complaint against the Twitter Company to whom I sent regular and detailed reports. Indeed, Twitter has recognized the fact that this user violates its principles of use and shows hateful behavior towards me, without making the decision to put an end to this malice by closing the account and removing the tweets…».

You will find the details of the complaint and its exhibits in this article :

I please, once again, ask you to stop this malice, to ban Ramla Akhtar from Twitter and to remove all the Tweets of this cyberstalker.

Many thanks in advance

Bernard Grua, Nantes, France

What is the reason for Ramla Aktar’s cyberstalking?

Exhibit: Complaint filed in High Court, original French version

Bernard Grua
44100 Nantes
06 ** ** ** 60

Nantes, le 21 novembre 2019
Monsieur le Procureur de la République
Tribunal de Grande Instance
Palais de Justice
19, quai François-Mitterrand
44000 Nantes

Objet : Dépôt de plainte

Monsieur le Procureur,

Je, soussigné, Bernard Grua, né le 12 août 1962, inventoriste résidant à Nantes, ai l’honneur de porter plainte entre vos mains contre Madame Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam, pour harcèlement (art. 222-33-2-2 du Code pénal), diffamation publique (loi du 29 juillet 1881) et délation calomnieuse (art. 226-10 du Code Pénal), à travers 296 tweets émis contre moi-même entre le 18 septembre et le 19 novembre 2019. Pour les mêmes motifs, j’ai l’honneur de porter plainte contre la société Twitter à qui ont été adressés des signalements réguliers et détaillés. En effet, Twitter a reconnu le fait que son utilisateur viole ses principes d’utilisation et fait preuve d’un comportement haineux à mon égard, sans pourtant prendre la décision de mettre fin à cette malveillance en fermant le compte et en supprimant les tweets.

Madame Ramla Akhtar réside à Hussaini (Gulmit), vallée de La Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, où elle tient une boutique de produits locaux sous le nom de « BetterBonds ». Ses principaux comptes, groupes et pages Twitter ou Facebook, identifiés à ce jour, sont: (renommé le 11/20/2019 en MAJ 13/07/2020: @GruaAbuseArkive MAJ 13/07/2020: @CopingWithCOVID 

Au 19 novembre 2019, sur Twitter, les principales autorités destinataires de la délation calomnieuse de Madame Aktar et leur nombre d’occurrences sont : NantesMetropole (39), Johanna_Rolland (25), PoliceNationale (12), Interpol (12), FranceInPak (11), PoliceNat44 (10). Le mercredi 20 novembre, le Commissariat de Police central de Nantes, Place Waldeck Rousseau, destinataire des Tweets de délation calomnieuse (compte «PoliceNat44») n’a pas voulu me prêter assistance et a, à quatre reprises, refusé d’enregistrer ma plainte avant que je ne sois fermement empoigné vers la sortie.

Dans ces conditions, je vous saurais gré d’enregistrer ma double plainte, contre Madame Ramla Akhtar et contre la société Twitter, afin de donner à cette affaire sa suite légale et de faire valoir mes droits.

Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur le Procureur, l’expression de mes salutations respectueuses.

Bernard Grua

PJ: Tweets de diffamation, harcèlement et délation calomnieuse, rapports de Twitter, passeport de Bernard Grua


Stalking status as of October 22, 2021

Status of criminal impersonation by Rmala Aalam, BetterBonds shop manager in Husseini, Gulmit, Gojal, Gilgit-Batilstan, Pakistan as of February 16, 2020

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Today, November 21, 2019, a complaint to the Public Prosecutor was registered at Loire-Atlantique high court (Tribunal de Grande Instance) against the cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, who sent 296 tweets against @bernardgrua in two months under her account @barefootRamster (recently changed to @barefoot_rmala). The accusations are harassment, defamation and calumnious delation. A complaint was also registered against Twitter .
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Published by Stop Cyberstalkers

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