@BestInventoryFX, autopsie d’un compte Twitter pakistanais d’usurpation d’identité et de cyberharcèlement

BestInventoryFX (@BestInventoryPR) est un compte pakistanais d’usurpation d’identité et de cyberharcèlement, prétendant faussement être situé en France dans la région de Nantes. Il a été créé, en juillet 2021, par Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam, de Karachi, tweetant aussi sous @BarefootRara.

@BestInventoryFX, autopsy of a Pakistani impersonating & cyberstalking Twitter account

@BestInventoryFX (@BestInventoryPR) is a Pakistani impersonating and cyberstalking account, falsely claiming being located in Nantes area, France. It was created by Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, a deviant Twitter user, @BarefootRara, from Karachi, for geographically targeted attacks such as defamation, calumnious denunciations, harassment and threats against a French citizen. The aim was to create aContinue reading “@BestInventoryFX, autopsy of a Pakistani impersonating & cyberstalking Twitter account”

When a Pakistani radicalized stalker visits the cyber-crime office of the Federal Investigation Agency

While resisting to bullying, there are some opportunities to not miss when you are facing endless calumnious denunciations, harassment and defamation. This is what Ramla Akhtar, a rabid stalker, offered while tweeting she visited a cyber crime office.

Ramla Akhtar: Twitter records of a cyberstalker

From September 18, 2019, onwards, Ms. Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, weaponizes twitter into a frenetic stalking tool. Residing in Pakistan and having her victim in France, she prospers in a judicial loophole. None of this would have been possible if the target would live in the same country than the tormentor. Therefore, reviewing her abuses and outrages is a golden mine for learning the worst practises which may occur on an unregulated social media. This could be of interest for any scholar studying this kind of cybercriminality or for any entity wanting to introduce some morality in such a chaos

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