Anti-bully and anti-stalker best practise for Twitter

When being hit by a bully or a stalker attack on Twitter, the first reflexes guided by a strong emotion and an outraged indignation are generally the worst. Here, based on actual experiences we will present what should be, first, absolutely avoided for immediately safeguarding your personal assets and for depriving your tormentor from extra advantages. Then we will propose some simple best practise for managing your ereputation counter-campaign.

Why an enraged Twitter bully is committing his own numerical suicide?

Twitter is likely the “best” media for psychopaths. Being a victim of such enraged assaulters can cause physical harms and deep psychological distress. However, its possible to build an efficient counter-offensive. Indeed, Twitter cannibalises its addicts by capturing them in an always inflating spiral of outrages. Disconnected from the real world, the criminal user creates the material for his own numerical suicide. We will, here, review the case of a famous Pakistani radicalised cyberstalker, Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam.

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